About Us

A World Class Classified Company


Amish Country Lancaster is represented by Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. (Lengeschder) Lancaster is in south-central Pennsylvania and contains the second largest community of Amish in the world. Second to the larger Amish population in Holmes County, Ohio. The Lancaster Amish community is centered in Lancaster County with over 30% of the county's current population being comprised of Amish people.

What makes the Shop Amish Country Lancaster site and app unique? It is operated primarily by Amish, Mennonite, Former Amish, and one English guy. The insights you receive are not put together by people who are pushing you into anything. Have a question? Ask us, want to know how to say certain things in Dutch? We are happy to provide some education.

We share the “must see” attractions, places to stay, shop, and all of the local businesses you can do business with. We personally know all the Amish and Mennonite families that are using our site as a marketing platform for the goods and services they sell and provide.

Our common view of the Amish as reflecting our own past, seems to allow us to go back in time when life was a bit slower, and we could take pride in our daily accomplishments.

The Amish found a way to not only survive but to thrive in our technology filled world, without compromising their beliefs in their total obedience to their church and their separation from the rest of the world.

Much of the area we refer to as Amish Country Lancaster is loaded with tourist attractions based on the Amish and Mennonite lifestyle. This has its pluses, but it also tends to give most people a false impression.

The horse and buggy is the most common image the tourist has of the Amish. It is true there are plenty of horse and buggies in Amish countryside, but their way of life far exceeds this notion of the simple life, no matter how much we want to stick them into that definition.

Whatever your opinions are concerning the Amish and Mennonite, they are probably no worse than anyone else's, even though they're probably wrong opinions. I think it is almost impossible for outsiders to truly understand what being Amish really means.

Still, those opinions should not stop us from appreciating their workmanship, the countryside that they farm, and their simple lifestyles.

Feel free to say hello to any Amish or Mennonite folks you see while you’re visiting, they are people just like you.

If you find an Amish business on our site that you visit, please be sure to let them, and us know about it. You may leave reviews about your experience that we will share with the Amish and Mennonite families who operate the businesses, attractions, hotels, restaurants, and unique places you may visit.